How I become one of the most popular Experiences Host in London?
My name is Domi and I have one of the most popular Airbnb Experiences in London. I will give you excellent references which one I tried it and is amazing working for me. I have absolute faith that it will work for you too if you will take the action and you will follow my suggestions.
I open my first experience in April 2018. After a week a got my first booking. Unit now I remember how stressful I was! My experience are about travel photography in London. Who is travelling solo to London and wants to get a good photos. Here we go! My first guest was from Italy and travelling solo! This is where I wanted to help people. I prepare the road where to take photos and I just met my guest. I was so shy and be honest with you I had no idea what I am doing. I was living in London just for few months and I didn’t know too much about the City. She was more the person who shows me the places where want to take photos than I did for her. But lucky! She was very kind and just leave me 5 star review! This just gave me so much motivation to keep doing it. Week after week I just start getting more reservations and more!
With time I just discover amazing places in London and one of the place was in Notting Hill. I just got idea will be great to open new experiences too! This was the moment where I start thinking that maybe I could just cut my job and open my new business? (This thought become on August 2018). Few months later November 2018 I say good bye to my boss and I was trying my best to be my own boss. Is not that easy I thought but if you never try you will never know!
You might ask so HOW I BECOME ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR Experiences Host in London?
The most important I was working very hard! This doesn’t happened over night but if I will know all the informations which one I know today I might be more and faster successful.
I am going to share with you what I discovered and what I did for me to be from nobody to be able to build a successful career, thanks to Airbnb. I work for me as an entrepreneur where I haven't got a big brand to be running behind my name. Is just me - Domi, make things works.
The most important you need to follow is your passion. I strongly believe that is something in your life you know very well and other people would love to know how to do it or know about this topic more details! This is the first key to successful experiences. Take a time and think what do you like to do, how this might help other people and if this is one life experience?
If you find answers for this questions the next thing what you need to do it just take action! Open your experience here (how to open your experiences is information below step by step).
Very important is to just open your available hours from morning unit evening 7 days per week! This give more options of getting new booking because if someone looking for specific time for example Monday 8 am this will show only available experience and if your experience have the available slot guest will book your experience! That’s easy and very important it is.
Try to collect as many reviews as you can! Invite your friends to book your experiences with discount code which will allow you to get review and really practice what you can improve for what you offer.
Be there for your guests. They are travelling from around the World and join your experience. They want to have fun and relaxing time. Make sure you are present there for them. Be kind and try be very forgiving. Having guests from around the World is very exiting but also we need to keep in mind that the culture can be also different than what we use to experience.
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The all answers and more important with time when you will grow you will corporate with co-host what you need to remember and how to deal with it you can find here. All step by step information how to open the experiences.
Do you have already open your experiences and you need someone to review it? As is your experiences you are not able to see what to improve in your listing immediately or you won’t even notice it - what is a misunderstanding or not really clear description.
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